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January  EXTRA MILE EMPHASIS:  Hope Advocates Against Domestic Abuse

Need a Notary? Reminder—Our office manager, Jill Jameson, is a notary public.  This is a free service available to all members of our church. 



Quilters:  Friday Mornings at 9:00 AM (restarted in fall)

Girls Matter- 3rd Tuesday each month 9am – 12noon

Prayer Shawl – 3rd Thursday each month – 1pm



  • SOLAR ENERGY FOR THE CHURCH  The Property Ministry and Creation Care Ministry is once again exploring the possibility of installing solar panels at the Church. We are working with Wickelman Solar Developers to see how we might be able to do so.  We need a group of people who are really interested in seeing us going forward with solar to meet and help develop plans for this endeavor.

    Contact either Steve Spigarelli 218-927-6729 or Dave Dickey 218-232-4690 and a meeting will be scheduled.
  • Dinner at your door is a ministry of First Lutheran Church to arrange meals for a short time. When someone comes home from the hospital, after the birth or adoption of a baby, is bedridden or after the death of a loved one. Our mission is to care for one another. Requests for dinners that are needed come from the pastor.

    There is a list of people that are willing to volunteer to prepare and deliver a meal(s). If you are interested in being on the list, please contact Carla Hakes, the coordinator, at 320-333-1876. If you are already on the list and wish to be taken off, PLEASE let Carla know.



In case of inclement weather, First Lutheran will have regularly scheduled worship services on Sundays. Special circumstances would be broadcast on KKIN radio (94.3).  On Wednesday evenings – if school is cancelled or let out early because of inclement weather, all Wednesday evening activities will be cancelled.

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