History of First Lutheran Church
Aitkin, Minnesota

First Lutheran Church's roots originate from Swedish descendants who on March 14, 1888, organized Maria Lutheran Church, and The Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Church St Pauli on May 16, 1892. In the early days, worship was held monthly at these churches, led by a pastor from the Brainerd area. These two congregations merged in 1930 to become The First Lutheran Church of Aitkin, and the formal language of the church was changed from Swedish to English. Maria Chapel continues to be maintained and used by First Lutheran Church members for worship and special events.
Several fires over the years damaged and finally destroyed the original church. Ground was broken for a new building, with an anticipated cost of
$97,000. The new church was dedicated in 1957. The following decades brought an ever-growing congregation. Following a national three church merger, First Lutheran Church became known as an Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) in 1988.
A nursery area, more Sunday School rooms, and office space were added in the early 1980's. First Lutheran, again, began to burst at the seams. In 2002, First Lutheran members added a spacious sanctuary, pastoral office space, a large narthex, choir room, library, and sacristy.
The church has continued to grow in sharing the Good News with the community through four weekly worship services, a Wednesday night meal, hosting a weekly community meal, an active food shelf, Sunday school, a vibrant Christian music ministry, camperships, Sunday school, and so much more.
First Lutheran Church is growing, thriving and continuing to expand within its walls, the community, and globally. "With God's love we embrace one another, our neighbors, and all creation." is within our mission.
We are truly thankful to our pioneer members, whose great zeal for spreading the Gospel and whose untiring efforts resulted in the planting of the roots that grew to make First Lutheran. May God continue to bless and empower the people of First Lutheran Church for many years to come!